Verse of the Week
I will give honor and thanks to the Lord, Who has told me what to do. Yes, even at night my mind teaches me. I have placed the Lord always in front of me. Because He is at my right hand, I will not be moved. And so my heart is glad. My soul is full of joy. My body also will rest without fear.
Psalm 16:7-9 (New Life Version)
Phrase of the Week
Palms Up
I was reminded of a message I heard a few years ago entitled, "Living Life Palms Up". The speaker said every morning he physically opens his hands palms up to God & prays something like this:
God, everything I have you have given me. Today if you choose to take something from my hand, I willingly give it to you.The preacher was telling God, You can have full control of my life! You make the decisions, I will follow.
This challenging message spoke volumes to my life just as Chapter 1 of our book did. I see a similarity in the two, a humble action called Surrender.
We easily sing about it, but it's more than a good worship theme and it's certainly more than walking an isle in a moment of tearful emotion. More accurately, it is the daily, moment by moment, hearing the Spirit speak & responding back an affirmative Yes!
God I Surrender.
God I (Sigh)... I'll be honest, more than once my decision to surrender has been followed by a sigh. It's a resolve to put down my flesh, my desires, my agenda & take the NEXT STEP which is Obedience. Ouch.
That word makes surrender sound so much better. "Can't we just camp out on surrender's steps for a while?" HaHa!
God is all about stretching us, growing us, challenging & changing us. It's like a good parent who leads their child to do what's right. So we must let God know we love Him by willingly obeying.
What is the result?
Freedom, Joy, Satisfaction, Peace.
Do you agree?
I have experienced all of these and just the opposite of feelings when I did NOT obey!
We will not always understand what God asks of us, but that takes is back to daily living life palms up!
We each have a choice. Yes to yourself or yes to God?
Week 2 Discussion
Go to the Facebook group to join the group discussion.
- What is one of the 3 things you DON'T need when you say yes to God? (Page 13 of the paperback book).
- Tell some things that happen to a woman who says yes to God. (Page 14 of the paperback book).
- How did the author describe the difference in Biblical & Radical obedience? (Page 18 of the paperback book).