
Getting Started

We are so glad you are joining us for this online study of God is Able!!

This page will tell you what you need to know to get started and should answer any other questions you may have. If you have a question that isn't answered on this page, feel free to comment at the bottom of the page and we will answer it for you. If you don't want to ask your question in the comments, you may email and we will answer you by email.

What do I need to get stared?
  1. Please click here to register for the study. There is no charge but we would like to know who is participating and have a way to contact you with information regarding the study. We also need you to register so that you can be invited to join the Facebook group we will be using for discussions. Thanks!
  2. Make sure you have a copy of the book (either paperback or eBook, whichever you prefer). You can find it pretty much anywhere you can buy Christian books.
  3. Tell your friends about it!! Invite your friends to join the study with you!!
When do we “meet”?

This study is designed with the idea that ladies from across the state with varying schedules will all be able to participate. Here is how that will work. The study post and discussion questions for each week will be posted at the beginning of the week (typically on Sunday). You do not need to have the chapter read before that post appears, but when you finish reading for the week, come join the discussion online.

How do we participate in the discussion?

We will be discussing each chapter and scriptures in a Facebook group! If you are participating, be sure you request to join the group! Here is the link to get there .

Please remember, discussion is not limited to only the discussion starter questions. Please feel free to post your own questions/comments regarding the current week's topics!

How do I know when this weeks post is available?

The post for each week should be available online on Sunday, but no later than Monday morning each week.

When the post is available, I will post it in the Facebook group for the study.

We will also post updates on our social media sites:

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