
Sunday, August 24, 2014


If you haven't already, please be sure to read the following posts!!

Verse of the Week

The Lord directs our steps, so why try to understand everything along the way?
Proverbs 20:24 (NLT)

Phrase of the Week

I am Ready!! 

Welcome to Week 1 of What Happens When Women Say Yes to God!! I am beyond excited that this day is finally here and I am even more excited that each of you ladies are here with us!!

Many things come to mind as I skim through this book, but there is one word that stands out to me... trust!

For a while now, one of my favorite verses of scripture has been Proverbs 3:5-6.
"Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In ALL your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight."
What a hopeful message these verses bring... along with a tough task.

TRUST!!! That sure is a big word!! 100% trusting God, no holding back, no doubting... I gotta be honest. That is sometimes tough for me. Not because God is untrustworthy. He isn't!! He is completely trustworthy and has proven His power, love, and care for me countless times! I can trust Him for everything!!

What makes it hard for me at times to trust God, is ME!! There is a little thing (OK, sometimes it's a really big thing) called my flesh that gets in my way. Whether I trust God in a given situation or not has nothing to do with God, because He is always trustworthy and He never changes. It has everything to do with me making the choice to lay down my flesh. Yikes!!

For me, being a worrier and a planner, this is a specifically challenging area. If I don't know the who, what, when, why, where, and how of a given situation, I get anxious and nervous. That nagging in my flesh to know all the details, that great desire to be in control of every little thing in my life, on occasion, can hinder my ability to fully trust God.

Then I found Proverbs 20:24...
"The Lord directs our steps, so why try to understand everything along the way?" 
Really, God? I don't NEED to know everything along the way? It sure does make me feel better when I do (in the flesh)!! Yes, I'm pretty sure that verse was written specifically for ME!!

So, here is my prayer as we start this journey together!!
God, I'm learning to trust You in every part of life... I'm ready to say YES!! I am ready to say YES to You even if I don't know exactly what I'm saying Yes to. Today, I am saying YES and TRUSTING YOU!!
As we take this journey together, God, I pray that you will make yourself real in a new way to each and every woman who is participating in this Online Bible Study.  Father, take their willingness to say YES to You, and use it to do things far beyond anything we could ever imagine!!
Thank you for being a God who is so reliable, so trustworthy, and so faithful, that we CAN say YES to you without fear!! I am thanking you now for the amazing things that these ladies are going to see happen in their lives over the next few weeks!! We love you and we thank you today for every work you are doing in our lives!! In your Holy name I pray... Amen!

Learning to say Yes is a journey and I'm ready to take it!! Are you??

Let’s Get Started!!

Week 1 Discussion  (Head on over to the Facebook group to join in).
  1. Introduce yourself to the group!! Share something about yourself!! Be sure to welcome others as they introduce themselves too!!

  2. Before we get into our study… Right now, in this moment, what do you think saying Yes to God looks like? What does that phrase, “Say Yes to God” mean to you?

Author - Brenda Duggins
Brenda has been married to her husband John for 11 years and is a full time working mom of a pre-teen boy (yes, you may begin praying for her now)!!

Her and her husband are currently serving as Children's Pastors at River of Life Assembly of God in Mabelvale. She also is currently helping the Women's Department with their social media sites and Online Bible Studies.

She recently re-discovered how much she enjoys crafting and DIY projects and her friend tells her that she is a kid magnet!!

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