
Sunday, September 28, 2014

What Keeps Us from Saying Yes to God - Chapter 5

Verse of the Week

You [God] will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you.
Isaiah 26:3

Phrase of the Week

Keep Dancing! 

I remember a conversation I used to have over and over:

What if they don’t like me? What if I offend someone? What if I mess everything up? What cloths should I wear? What if I say the wrong thing, or the right thing the wrong way? They will think I am stupid or overzealous. What if I am rejected?

The answer:

But if God is pleased what else matters?

As true as that is, our natural tendency we fight daily is for applause from people. We want to be accepted not rejected. We want to be recognized not looked over. We want to feel needed. We want to feel as if our lives make a difference. Well at least I do, desperately. I can relate to the gatekeeper image where I wrestled with acceptance and rejection. I would call someone more in tune with God and ask what I should wear to this or that. I would second guess others actions thinking I did something wrong. It was a constant back and forth trying to make sure I was "doing it wrong". Rejection held me back so many times and it was a circle of returning to God and asking forgiveness for not obeying. Of course there were times sprinkled in where I did ignore them both and went forward only to stand in the doorway and let myself be pulled back.

There was an event that changed this in my life. I really liked the story about the dance recital. I believe it is a very real account of our life in obedience to God. I had started prayer ministry. My pray techniques had come under fire. Told by some that social media and texting isn’t real pray ministry I continued to do it because of the fruit it was bearing. I was removed from the prayer chain by the women because I would not let people "tell all the family details" also called gossip.  I started a prayer group at church and we started training ourselves to pray an hour at a time, I used a PowerPoint and music to remind us of points to pray and fill the space with praise. This also was looked down upon. I had a pastor, however, who did believe in prayer and encouraged me. A very tumultuous time came in our church. I was told we could no longer pray at church. Soon after, God asked me to give a word or warning. I had given words of wisdom and encouragement to people several times but this was different. It was more difficult than anything I had done, God was stretching me. What if….. rolled through me like a tidal wave. I could not escape the desire to please God. I had to trust Him.  I said yes and obeyed.

His word was rejected and met with anger and hate, but the blows were aimed at me.  A meeting was scheduled and I was told to be there. I knew what was coming. I remember praying "God I did what you asked and now I have to walk through this? I have to stand and not defend myself or my actions? Why do I have to go through this rejection and hurt? How can I do it without bawling and snoting all over the place? I will be so humiliated and look so stupid under their condemnation and accusation. (grin) That’s a lot of "I" isn’t it. That is when I learned to dance. God said to keep my eyes on Him and only speak when He opened my mouth. It went just like that too. I didn’t defend myself but God did speak at times and left them without words. They did not see tears, a scared little girl or someone begging for mercy instead they saw and heard a woman confident in Christ and standing for Him without disrespecting there authority. I kept my eyes on God.

During my stay at Arkansas Children's Hospital I danced several times as I interacted with my daughters now husbands family. Genuinely loving them even though they manipulated my daughter against me was only possible with God. I dance every time I am accused of trying to take her baby away from her. I dance when my father calls me a liar. I dance when my words get messed up when I am speaking. I dance when church people say hurtful words. I dance as I stumble not knowing how to speak, how to react. I dance when I am made to look like a fool by my brother. I dance when I am witnessing to someone. I dance and if I get it right or wrong I know I am still accepted completely. You see the point isn’t that we get all the steps right, it that you try. One of my go to verses about obeying God is "You will be accepted if you do what's right. But if you refuse to do what's right watch out! Sin's crouching at your door and is eager to control you. You must overcome it and be its master." Gen 4:7.  "It" is all those things that we let keep us from obeying God. It does not say do what's right and do it right, it just says do it. Obedience is not about perfection it is about doing it, saying yes.

There have been other times of difficulty, but I have learned to keep my eyes locked on God. Just as the authors daughter did. All those needs I listed are real and we can have them filled by God, who accepts us completely on Christ's work not our own. That’s so freeing! I take comfort daily in the fact that I know my Shepherds' voice and all I need to do is obey with eyes fixed on Him.

Week 6 Discussion  (Head on over to the Facebook group to join in).
  1. One thing that can keep us from obeying God is worry.  What is the choice we make to defeat worry in our lives?
  2. Often saying yes to God brings trouble around us. People can be harsh. Our own hearts can be harsh. What did the author say we must die to in order to have more of Christ in our hearts and minds?
  3. We can help each other by sharing or "tactics". What do you do to help your mind stay focused on Christ?

Author - Deb Abshier
I work with the Arkansas district Assembly of God Women's Ministry. I have completed one year of Biblical studies. My life is living proof that every woman can be used of God no matter what their past is. I am a pray-er and enjoy various types of intercession & prayer walking. I enjoy ministering to Women pastors and pastor's wives, reading, studying, music and hiking. I have two daughters and one granddaughter. I also collect rocks of remembrance.

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