
Sunday, September 14, 2014

When Obedience Becomes Radical - Chapter 3

Verse of the Week

I, the Lord your God, hold your right hand and say to you, ‘Don’t be afraid; I will help you.
Isaiah 41:13

Phrase of the Week

Radical Obedience

If you read my bio you know that we just returned from being in Greece for 18months. Through a series of miracles and Gods call and purpose for our lives we had the privilege to be in Athens, Greece and share Christ love with the beautiful people of Greece. This is my heritage (blood), my dream, my purpose and when we had to leave it broke my heart. We miss it and are ready to return, which I know we will but God has a season of preparation for us.

About 6 weeks ago I read an excerpt from a book and it said "you cannot be in two seasons at once". At the moment when I read that, a great flood of grief gripped my heart and I said out loud to God "I don't want to let go of Greece". The days and weeks to follow were filled with sadness, fear, confusion, hurt, anger, loneliness, etc... But God never leaves us in that state and is always pursuing us because of His great love for us. In the last couple of weeks God continues to bring the word season into my seasons.

In the 20+ yrs of living in Arkansas I have always enjoyed lengthy commutes because the scenery and seasons in Arkansas are beautiful. The other day I was Driving down a country road under a tree canopy and leaves began to fall with the gentle breeze, and I thought fall is coming the season is changing. Normally I would get excited about that but I felt a sadness because I knew God had been trying to speak to me about a change of season in my life, not being in two seasons, not being halfhearted.

Lysa starts this chapter of radical obedience with a challenge "to pray for God to use you in an extraordinary way FOR HIS KINGDOM". Then in paragraphs closely to follow she writes, she knew to accomplish this:
  • She must prepare (dedicated preparation) 1Peter 1:13-16
  • She must have courage (uncommon courage)
  • She must be obedient (radical obedience)

I have thought of a few heroes in the Word who went thru seasons of preparation so they could see the fruition of the promise. Not for themselves to be glorified but for the saving of many lives. They did something extraordinary for His kingdom!

In Genesis 37:5 Now Joseph had a dream... But from chapter 37-chapter 50 Joseph faced a great season of adversity and he could have let the dream die but he was dedicated in following God and in Genesis 50:20 dream came to fruition not for Josephs benefit but for the saving of many lives. He did something extraordinary for His kingdom!

In Esther chapter 4 a decree is given to exterminate her people but God had her in this season for "such a time as this". She could have remained quiet and saved her own life but she didn't. In chapter 5 she prepares, in chapter 7 she shows "uncommon courage", and in chapter 8 she is granted her request...the saving of many lives. She did something extraordinary for His kingdom!

Abraham and Sarah
It would be an end...the death of the dream and a promise.
In Genesis 18 was the promise! Genesis 22... God test Abraham with his dream and promise. Abraham had to have "radical obedience". Because of his obedience The Lord spared Isaac and provided a ram! Again for the saving of many lives! They did something extraordinary for His kingdom!

I believe when we say "Yes" to trusting God with the season He has us in at the moment, He will equip us with a Dedication to prepare, an Uncommon courage, and Radical obedience! Then we will delight in our salvation and the salvation of many others!

Week 4 Discussion

Go to the Facebook group to join the group discussion.
  1. Is there something that stirred in your heart as you read this chapter that God might be leading you to give up either permanently or for a season?
  2. What is holding you back from doing so?
  3. Read Isaiah 41:13. Are we to give things up in our own strength? Are we walking this new path of deeper obedience alone?

Author - Yvonne Oaks

Married 28 years to Jimmy Oakes, a steady, loving, Godly man and father! Two amazing sons Dustin 20 and Sean 15. Both serving The Lord in ministry in their church and schools.

Jimmy and Yvonne have served as associates in ministry for 20+ years. From worship leader, youth ministers, Chi Alpha house pastors, to serving in Greece and preparing to return. While home on furlough they are training with an amazing ministry "Teen Challenge" developing an outpatient ministry "Lifeline Connections" in Arkansas.

Yvonne is the only girl of 12 children! Yvonne is Greek and her father was from Athens. She still has 4 brothers, and their families, living in Greece. She has had a heart for Greece since she was 5 yrs. old and feels honored that God would give her and her family an opportunity to serve there.

Yvonne loves people and giving hugs! She thinks it's therapeutic to cook and the same time! Because she is Greek one of the ways she shows her love is thru making special dishes for others. Their family loves to have people in their home laughing, eating, and living life with them! Yvonne loves to share, with anyone who comes around, what God showed her thru the devotion she studied that morning. Yvonne was saved at 17.5 yrs old and has been passionately following after and growing in Christ for 25+/- yrs. ;)

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