
Sunday, October 26, 2014

Radically Blessed - Chapter 9

Verse of the Week

If you fully obey the Lord your God and carefully keep all his commands that I am giving you today, the Lord your God will set you high above all the nations of the world.
 Deuteronomy 28:1 (NLT)

Phrase of the Week

Radically Blessed
#Radically Blessed

As a comedian I find it easy to see humor in everything I do. It does not matter where I am, can always find something to laugh at. I am also notorious for laughing at inappropriate times. I am thankful for this "talent". But there have been times in my life where I could not find anything to laugh at. Times where I had not yes to God.

I have always had a problem with asking for help whenever I find myself in trouble. I was in my early twenties and had stopped saying yes to God and started saying I can fix this myself. I found myself in over my head in sin and wishing that I had said yes. From that point on I decided to never say no to God again.

I found out that there is no comparison when it comes to the radical blessings of God verses whatever plans I can come up with on my own. And even though I had messed up, His grace and mercy is always available to those who say yes! Even when I do not feel like saying yes to God I have to do it anyway. I have seen the consequences of saying no.

I revisited this important lesson just recently. I have been a part of our church's youth ministry for a long time. About two years ago we were going through a difficult transition period and I seriously considered leaving.  I felt like it would be better for me to step away from all the chaos. I started to make plans for my exit. Then one day as I was getting ready for work God told me to stay right where I was. I did not like that answer. I wanted to do what I thought was best. But I knew from experience that saying yes to God was the best choice even though it was a hard choice.

I submitted to God and stayed put. The next few months were difficult and I definitely questioned God's plan but eventually He showed me that His plans are far better than mine. I saw His plan for my life unfold and it was full of radical blessings. I saw students grow and had the honor of being a part of the process. God went way beyond my expectations with His blessings. I see now how much I would have missed if I had said yes too me instead of yes to God.

God wants to bless us more than we could ever imagine. It all comes down to our answer. If our answer is a 100% yes then we get 100% of the radical blessings that God has to offer. It all comes down to obedience . I love this quote by Jeanne Mayo: Right choices eventually lead to right emotions. If we say yes to God then He will take care of the rest. And He will shower us with radical blessings. But it all starts with saying yes!

Week 10 Discussion  

Go to the Facebook group to join the group discussion.
  1. In the section of this chapter called "Get Ready" Lysa lists some of the blessings that you can expect from living a radically obedient life. Which one on the list have you gained by saying Yes to God in your past? Which one of these do you need more of (which one might be a motivation to give this radical obedience thing a shot)?
    • Deeper Relationship With God
    • More Adventurous Life
    • Depth of Inner Peace
    • Personal Satisfaction
    • Better Relationships with People
    • Meaning and Purpose to Life
    • Eternal Perspective 
  2.  What questions go through your mind at the thought of going on a journey of radical obedience to God? What verses can you find in scripture to answer those questions? (Post your questions, we will help you find the verses to answer them). Ex: What if I say yes and then mess up??
  3. What does the quote by Jeanne Mayo mean to you? "Right Choices eventually lead to right emotions".

    Author - Sarah Henry

    Sarah Henry is a woman who loves to laugh. She is currently serving as a youth sponsor in her church at El Dorado First Assembly and is the South Central Missionary Associate for Arkansas Youth Alive.

    Sunday, October 19, 2014

    Giving Up What Was Never Ours - Chapter 8

    Verse of the Week

    Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life.
     1 Timothy 6:17-19 (NIV)

    Phrase of the Week

    God, I trust You!

    Sacrificial giving.  Over the years I’ve sat through many sermons on this topic.  I’ve always been okay with giving money when I didn’t have it to spare or donating my time when I barely had time for my own family.  My struggle was with my belongings, my stuff.  I’d give you money or time if you needed it, but if the Holy Spirit prompted me to give you my leopard print stilettos or the candy bar hidden in my desk, well, He better prompt hard.

    All of that changed in a matter of seconds on April 27th when an EF-4 tornado leveled our subdivision and our home while we were inside.  We quickly realized that the material possessions that meant so much before meant nothing when compared to the living, breathing people around us.  All of the things we had worked to attain were never really ours anyway.  God had given them to us to be stewards over for as long as we had them.  Though it was sad to lose them, things are just things, and their value is in how they can be used to fulfill God’s purpose, not in how pretty they are or how comfortable they make our lives.

    My true test in sacrificial giving came a few weeks ago.  We found out in late July that I was pregnant with our second child.  Despite the absolute shock, we were thrilled.  At our first appointment on August 14, we nervously went in for the ultrasound.  I could tell by the doctor’s expression that something was wrong.  She then told us there was no heartbeat and very compassionately gave us our options.  We chose to go home and pray.  It was a horrible weekend, but I found hope.  I was praying for a miracle, and I truly believed we would get it.  I called the doctor’s office the following Monday and told them I wanted to wait two weeks and then come back in again for another ultrasound.  I still felt pregnant and had not miscarried.  That first week, my prayer was strictly for God to save our child.  I knew He could do it, and I was already imagining giving the testimony of how God had saved this baby.  We picked out boy and girl names, anticipating our miracle.

    By the start of the second week of waiting, in the midst of praying for my miracle, came a soft voice asking simply, “Do you trust Me?”  Well, of course I trust You, God.  How could anyone experience what we did a few months ago and not trust You?  We’ve seen Your hand in absolutely everything.  “Do you trust that I’ll take care of you and your baby?”  Of course I do.  I’m waiting and believing for my miracle.  “Then pray for MY will for your baby, not yours.”  Hold up, God.  Your will might not be the same as my will, and I want my baby.  “If you trust Me, you will trust My plan and pray for My will.”  I think I can pray Your will.  You must want me to have this baby or I wouldn’t have gotten pregnant after 10 years of planning to not have more kids!  So yeah, I can pray Your will!  “If My will is not the same as yours and you give this child back to Me, do you believe I am enough for you?”

    You see, I think those are two huge questions, and our willingness to give sacrificially, no matter how big or small the sacrifice, depends on how we answer them – do I trust God to take care of me if I give this and do I believe that God is enough for me without this in my life?

    I wish I could say that I jumped up and said, “Yes, God, I give my baby back to You if that’s Your will,” but I didn’t.  This wasn’t me writing a check or donating extra time; it wasn’t me handing over the last piece of cheesecake or my favorite shoes; this was my child.  I felt like how Abraham must have felt when God told him to sacrifice Isaac, just without the automatic obedience.  I remember crying out to God, begging for my child’s life, but at the same time knowing that just like our home, our vehicles, and our belongings, this child was only given to us for a season, and God had bigger, better plans.  I knew that our baby’s life had purpose whether it was now or in what would happen after this child was gone.  Through my tears, I began to pray, “God, not my will but Yours, whatever it may be.  I give this baby to You.”  I began to thank Him for the time we had with our baby.  I still hadn’t miscarried and had no definitive physical sign that our baby was gone other than the first ultrasound, and while I still held out hope, God was preparing me.  I started calling the baby Jamey Micah.  These weren’t the names we had picked out for the child we expected to hold in our arms a few months later, but in my heart, I knew this baby was already on streets of gold.

    A little before my husband and I went in for the second ultrasound on August 28th, one of my best friends asked me what I felt in my heart we would find out, and I remember saying, “It’s going to be okay.”  I trusted God to take care of me and Jamey either way, and even if Jamey was gone, I believed God would be enough.

    We didn’t get our miracle, and on September 2nd, a day before I would have been 12 weeks, we said our goodbyes to Jamey.  It has been the most heartbreaking and life-altering sacrifice I have made.  Medically, we couldn’t have changed anything.  If I had said no to God, without His intervention, our baby still would have died, but I made the sacrifice from my heart and have grown spiritually from it.  I thank Him every day for entrusting us with this precious child for the short time we had Jamey.

    I don’t know if we will have more children, but I can say that God has tremendously blessed us over the past few months, more than we could have ever thought possible.  Giving Jamey back to God was the hardest sacrifice we’ve made, and I know He will bless there too because He is always faithful.  We trusted Him enough to give back what was never ours to start with and believed He is enough, and He has been.

    Week 9 Discussion  

    Go to the Facebook group to join the group discussion.
    1. On pages 131-132, Lysa quotes Randy Alcorn in The Treasure Principle where he says, “But when I give it away, I relinquish control, power and prestige…I recognize God as owner, myself as servant, and others as the intended beneficiaries of what God has entrusted to me.”  How is this view different from the “me society” we live in today?
    2. What makes us hesitate when we are prompted to give sacrificially?  How can we move past that hesitation and into obedience?
    3. If you have ever given sacrificially, what was the result of your giving, i.e. how were others or you affected by it?

      Author - Bethany Taff

      Bethany Taff is the adventure-seeking, half-marathon-running, stiletto-loving Women’s Ministry Coordinator at Vilonia 1st Assembly.  She and her husband Justin have been married for 12 years and are parents to Jase and Jamey, as well as their furry children Shelby, Belle, Shae, Taz, and Lady.

      Sunday, October 12, 2014

      Keeping Our Vision Clear - Chapter 7

      Verse of the Week

      When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.” Simon answered, “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.”
      Luke 5:4-5 (NIV)

      Phrase of the Week

      Stay Focused

      My husband, Keith, and I went on a vacation to Branson several weeks back. We decided on our last night there, to be crazy and take in two shows.  The first show was on the Branson Belle River Boat and the second was SIX.  They were a good distance  apart, but felt we could pull this off. 

      We loaded the boat and I was amazed how big it was.  We were directed to our table and immediately I realized something was wrong with my glasses. As I reached for them, I realized they were broken.  As I inspected them, I saw that the little pin slipped out and the leg was totally detached and the tiny pin was gone.  I was determined to make the best of it and tried to act as though it was no big deal. But honestly, it was slightly difficult.  To see the show I had to hold my glasses on my face, but did finally figure out a way to tilt my head and balance on my nose.

      At intermission, we were able to go all over the boat.  I was eager to explore all the decks and find just the right places to take some selfies with my handsome date.  So I quickly picked up the leg, of my glasses, off the table and placed in my pocket. And with the other hand, I did my best to hold my glasses up to see.  There were 3 flights of stairs to get to the top deck and I was going to make sure we got there for pictures. The whole time stumbling and laughing, because I couldn't see.  We returned to the table and finished the amazing show.  I will also add, the food was absolutely delicious.

      Knowing we must not delay getting to our next show, we quickly were trying to exit the boat. As we were following the crowd out, something nudged me to feel in my pocket for the leg of my glasses. You guessed it!  It wasn't there.  My heart sank. I returned to the table hoping it might be there, but our table had already been cleared.  Think my heart sunk deeper, if that is possible.  I was about to ruin our perfect little date night and this "easy fix" of getting a little pin to fix my glasses was quickly looking like a need for new glasses.  As we began making our way off the boat, me and Jesus were having a serious conversation. Right before we were to exit the boat, I stopped and told Keith,  just give me a chance to find it.  I will be right back.  All I knew to do was retrace my steps, in hope I would find it. I began to tell God how desperately I needed his guidance.  If He would please lead me to it, I would be so grateful.  I knew I didn't have much time, had a big area to cover and everything was blurry!  I took off up the stairs like I knew where I was going.  First deck, no luck.  Second deck - nothing!!  I said, "Jesus, I really need your help!" Headed up to the top deck. Just as soon as my foot hit that first step, I heard, look down now.  I quickly looked down and under the rail in  a little crack, there it was!!! I shouted, "Praise The Lord"!!!!!!  Grabbed it and cried. I knew God had heard me and  he guided me each step of the way.  I kept saying God you REALLY did guide me, you REALLY did guide me.  There was no reason I should have or could have found that on my own.

      This may seem like a silly story you, but God spoke to my heart thru this experience.  You see, just as quickly as God was willing to help me in this situation, we should be just as quick to help Him.  The entire time I was on this boat my vision was blurry and out of focus, but God saved the day and rescued me.  I became so focused on finding the missing piece of my glasses and I was desperate, intently focused and listening for guidance. I felt God began speaking to my heart. There are so many people wondering around with no focus or blind to hope, peace, joy and the life that they can have in Christ.  And they don't even know how to ask for guidance.

      That's where we come in ladies.  He needs us to be woman that are willing to say, YES!  He wants us to live our lives listening for his guidance, just as intently as I was that day, on the boat.  He wants to guide us to reach and touch those who are lost and their lives or out of focus and without hope.

      I want to be like Peter in the story found in Luke 5:2-4.  Jesus knew Peter had a radically obedient heart and would be willing to do what He asked him, even when it made no sense.  Peter basically is like, Jesus said do it and he did it!  No questions.  Peters radical obedience to Jesus simple request ultimately resulted in him discovering the calling on His life.  What is Jesus calling you to today?  Follow Him in obedience and He will show you!

      Week 8 Discussion  

      Go to the Facebook group to join the group discussion.
      1. In this chapter we discovered three truths about obedience (Pages 118-119). First, our call to obedience may challenge our pride. Second, God uses our experiences to equip us for our calling. Third, our obedience may inspire others to respond. Share your thoughts on one or all three of these truths.
      2. Read James 4:4-6. What are these verses saying? What are your thoughts about them?
      3. Read Luke 5:11. Who responded that day? How can their response inspire you?

      Author - Jackie Underhill

      Jackie is married to Keith Underhill.  They have a daughter, Moriah, who is married to Geoff Hamby, and a son, Jordan and wife, Amanda, who are parents to their 2 amazing Grandchildren, Karson (6) and Whitley (2).

      Jackie serves along side her husband as pastors of Wynne First Assembly. She has had the privilege to serve in many areas of ministry over the years.  Loves all ages of ministry.  Has a passion to help those she works with find their gifts and use them to the best of their abilities, to the glory and honor of God.  She presently serves as The Women's Ministry Rep of Sec 8 and loves encouraging and mentor ladies that God allows to cross her path.

      Sunday, October 5, 2014

      If it Were Easy it Wouldn't Be Worth Doing - Chapter 6

      Verse of the Week

      Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. But He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, my power is made perfect in weakness”. Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
      2 Corinthians 12:8-10 (NIV)

      Phrase of the Week

      Just Delightful

      When I was super young and out of high school, I was working a job at Baptist Hospital in Little Rock. For some reason I decided that because I was going to school during part of the day, I should work at night (slap forehead). It was tough and it worked for a few months, anyway. The people I worked with were work-out gurus. I do NOT claim to be, nor have I ever been that! However, I picked up their daily routine of running Pinnacle Mountain every morning after shift change. I started out running the base trails. I was getting fitter, but the results just weren’t there. Eventually, I started running up the easy side of the mountain, and climbing down the rocky side. Suddenly, results! I could finally visibly see that I had been doing something. I did not run Pinnacle for very long before my rigorous schedule and lack of sleep would no longer permit it. But I had proven to myself that all the stretching and pushing ahead and shin splints were really worth it!

      When I stopped running I could tell. I did not feel like I felt when I was running, and certain foods that used to have no consequence suddenly stuck like glue! Since, I have found obedience to what I know to be the will of God to be costly at times.

      Have you ever done a hard job and known that it went unnoticed? Like working the nursery in your church, or cooking dinner every night and cleaning the kitchen and putting the kids to bed and no one notices that you’re exhausted by the end of the day? Some days I look at the tasks ahead of me and my mind screams, “I can’t!!!”

      My husband and I are both working to finish our degrees. We are raising three kids right, hopefully, and in the mean time pastoring a church. Do we believe that God has called us to get our degrees? Yes. We were both so excited when we began! We had it all on paper, how much this was going to cost us, how long it would take us to achieve each of our credit hour goals, and what the potential benefits would be in the end. We had just solved the riddle to life. Now that my first semester back is well underway, and he is in his third semester back, we realize this is HARD! There is no time for television in the evenings, and we have to budget time to spend with each other and our children.

      One thing I have learned in the last few years is that there is always adversity between you and your goal. If you’re going to be obedient, you will face difficulty. The will of God is not easy! Often it involves doing the right thing alone, against the will of the crowd; even a crowd of people who believe the same way you believe. Sometimes it means leaving something wonderful for something you can only hope will be better. Sometimes doing God’s will means that even the ones closest to you and closest to your situation don’t understand what you’re doing. If the only steps I am taking towards God are easy ones, that do not cost me anything, then the rewards will be minimal.

      As you walk through the difficult times remember Psalms 22:24, “He has not despised or disdained the suffering of the afflicted one; He has not hidden His face from him, but listened to his cry for help.”

      He knows where you are in your walk of obedience, and He is listening when you talk to Him. One of the most encouraging verses in the Word of God is Romans 8:28, “We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.”He wants your love, your trust, and His very best for you.

      You can walk in “radical obedience,” right through the adversity of it all, and reach the goal that God has placed in your heart by His own Spirit.

      No more “I can’ts!”

      Week 7 Discussion  

      Go to the Facebook group to join the group discussion.
      1. What is the difference in serving God out of duty and serving Him out of delight? What does Psalm 37:3-4 tell us we will receive from the Lord if we delight in Him?

      2. 2 Corinthians 12:8-10 says: “Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. But He said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.”

        Do these verses give you an excuse to remain weak and subject to your “I can’t”? Or do they tell you where you can draw strength from?

      3. How do we tap into the strength of the Lord and use it to help us? Share what you do in your own life with us here. Share some practical steps for relying on the Lord’s strength and not our own.

      Author - Stephanie Hodges

      I am the wife of a pastor, Matthew Hodges, mother of three beautiful kids, Rachel, Matthew, and Katie, and currently an undergraduate student at Southwestern Assemblies of God University. I am also working on my license level of credentials through Arkansas School of Ministry, and loving every minute of it!