
Sunday, October 26, 2014

Radically Blessed - Chapter 9

Verse of the Week

If you fully obey the Lord your God and carefully keep all his commands that I am giving you today, the Lord your God will set you high above all the nations of the world.
 Deuteronomy 28:1 (NLT)

Phrase of the Week

Radically Blessed
#Radically Blessed

As a comedian I find it easy to see humor in everything I do. It does not matter where I am, can always find something to laugh at. I am also notorious for laughing at inappropriate times. I am thankful for this "talent". But there have been times in my life where I could not find anything to laugh at. Times where I had not yes to God.

I have always had a problem with asking for help whenever I find myself in trouble. I was in my early twenties and had stopped saying yes to God and started saying I can fix this myself. I found myself in over my head in sin and wishing that I had said yes. From that point on I decided to never say no to God again.

I found out that there is no comparison when it comes to the radical blessings of God verses whatever plans I can come up with on my own. And even though I had messed up, His grace and mercy is always available to those who say yes! Even when I do not feel like saying yes to God I have to do it anyway. I have seen the consequences of saying no.

I revisited this important lesson just recently. I have been a part of our church's youth ministry for a long time. About two years ago we were going through a difficult transition period and I seriously considered leaving.  I felt like it would be better for me to step away from all the chaos. I started to make plans for my exit. Then one day as I was getting ready for work God told me to stay right where I was. I did not like that answer. I wanted to do what I thought was best. But I knew from experience that saying yes to God was the best choice even though it was a hard choice.

I submitted to God and stayed put. The next few months were difficult and I definitely questioned God's plan but eventually He showed me that His plans are far better than mine. I saw His plan for my life unfold and it was full of radical blessings. I saw students grow and had the honor of being a part of the process. God went way beyond my expectations with His blessings. I see now how much I would have missed if I had said yes too me instead of yes to God.

God wants to bless us more than we could ever imagine. It all comes down to our answer. If our answer is a 100% yes then we get 100% of the radical blessings that God has to offer. It all comes down to obedience . I love this quote by Jeanne Mayo: Right choices eventually lead to right emotions. If we say yes to God then He will take care of the rest. And He will shower us with radical blessings. But it all starts with saying yes!

Week 10 Discussion  

Go to the Facebook group to join the group discussion.
  1. In the section of this chapter called "Get Ready" Lysa lists some of the blessings that you can expect from living a radically obedient life. Which one on the list have you gained by saying Yes to God in your past? Which one of these do you need more of (which one might be a motivation to give this radical obedience thing a shot)?
    • Deeper Relationship With God
    • More Adventurous Life
    • Depth of Inner Peace
    • Personal Satisfaction
    • Better Relationships with People
    • Meaning and Purpose to Life
    • Eternal Perspective 
  2.  What questions go through your mind at the thought of going on a journey of radical obedience to God? What verses can you find in scripture to answer those questions? (Post your questions, we will help you find the verses to answer them). Ex: What if I say yes and then mess up??
  3. What does the quote by Jeanne Mayo mean to you? "Right Choices eventually lead to right emotions".

    Author - Sarah Henry

    Sarah Henry is a woman who loves to laugh. She is currently serving as a youth sponsor in her church at El Dorado First Assembly and is the South Central Missionary Associate for Arkansas Youth Alive.

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