
Sunday, February 8, 2015

God is Able - Totality

What to read this week:
  • Chapter 5 of God is Able
  • The story of Creation in Genesis 1-2.

This week the majority of the post is in this video. After you watch it, head on over to Facebook and join the conversation!!

Discussion Starters:

1. Let's pretend that before God created the universe and everything in it, that we were there with Him. Let's pretend that He asked us to tell Him what it is that we wanted this world to look like; what we wanted it to be like. What would you have told God?? What would you tell Him if you knew that whatever your answer was, that was all He would create. Nothing more, and nothing less.

2. Can you identify a "God Box" that you may have put God in?? What are some things you can do to take Him out of the box??

3. Can you name something that you aren't asking God for that you should be?? What keeps you from asking Him??

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