
Sunday, March 9, 2014

Authenticity - Plastic Lipstick

Verse of the Week:
“Be on your guard against the yeast of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy. There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. What you have said in the dark will be heard in the daylight, and what you have whispered in the ear in the inner rooms will be proclaimed from the roofs.” - Luke 12:1b-3 (NIV)

Chapter 2 Video Links (From Her Green Room):

This week we are talking about Authenticity. I decided this week to make a video instead of writing a post. So the video below is my take on the chapter for this week. I look forward to the discussion this week. Talk to you all soon!

    Discussion Questions:
    1. What simple questions can you ask at the next opportunity to show interest in others, even casual acquaintances or strangers?

    2. Duplicity (deceitfulness in speech or conduct) began in the Garden of Eden with the fall of humanity. Read the account from Genesis 3:1-19 and notice how Adam and Eve moved from authenticity and openness to deceit and cover-up. How does that parallel with the progression toward in-authenticity in people’s lives today?

    3. Jesus warned His disciples against hypocrisy both publicly and privately. Many of these cautions relate to some of our basic spiritual practices today. Read the verses below that correspond with the spiritual discipline listed. Describe ways that these good things can become tainted by phoniness, and note how to prevent hypocrisy in each area. (You may choose one or two)
      • Prayer (Matthew 6:5-6)
      • Giving (Matthew 6:2-4)
      • Fasting (Matthew 6:16-18)
      • Getting Rid of Sinful Behavior (Matthew 7:1-5)
      • Making a Convert or Disciple (Matthew 23:15)
      • Praising God (Mark 7:6-8)

    4. Sincerity is another word for authenticity; it’s used in various Bible translations and paraphrased versions. Psalm 15 describes the characteristics of a sincere person. Read that chapter and discuss the marks of sincerity described there.

    5. Is there anything else about this chapter you would like to discuss or that stood out to you?


    1. What simple questions can you ask at the next opportunity to show interest in others, even casual acquaintances or strangers?

      I think one way that you can show interest in others is to compliment them on something, maybe their hair, clothes, shoes, or jewelry. That can be a great way to strike up a conversation with someone and genuinely show interest in them or something about them.

    2. I love this chapter! What comes to mind to me regarding authenticity is the part that social media plays. Most of us have such an online presence these days through Facebook, Twitter, etc. that much of our lives are revealed to those near and far, but is what we reveal the real deal or sugar-coated versions of ourselves? I know at times I have been guilty of editing out the less desirable parts of my life. The "my house is a mess" photo doesn't get posted, and the "my kid didn't make straight A's" status doesn't get added, but the fabulous vacation sure does make the cut. Sometimes I've only let others see what I want them to see, not the "it's 5 p.m. and I'm not sure if I've even combed my hair yet" side. While I certainly don't advocate airing all our dirty laundry online, I do think it's vitally important that we at least share enough of our messy lives to make us relatable to others, while still following the guidelines Jodi mentions. Some of the times I have been most blessed were when other women revealed just enough about themselves to show that they weren't perfect either! It made it a lot easier to listen to their teachings and advice when I knew they really were like me.

    3. Bethany, I completely agree!! There is something about those messy living room photos that make me feel a little closer to my Facebook friends!! It definitely helps me feel like they are real people like me and I certainly lean in a little closer to listen when I feel like I'm listening to a real down to earth person.

    4. in todays world looks who you know and so forth seem to be what you have going I like how gods authentic walk leaves us to ponder should we to follow, for sure we should do as I say and as I do is gods love proven to us by his life we even walk through our day with a smile on our face ensures some one will notice that love and we are open to what the day has to bring could spark a conversation Jodi mentions ways that are for sure a get it done correctly way to influence others to gods love and walk

    5. Sincerity is another word for authenticity; it’s used in various Bible translations and paraphrased versions. Psalm 15 describes the characteristics of a sincere person. Read that chapter and discuss the marks of sincerity described there.

      Psalm 15 list many different marks of a sincere person. One that stood out to me in reading (NIV version) was in verse 4 where it says, "who keeps an oath even when it hurts".

      What this made me think of is marriage. How many marriages have you seen fall apart for seemingly insignificant reasons? Now, some marriages end for very valid reasons that I don't think God condemns, but there are some who just give up way too soon.

      There are many who divorce just because it seems easier than dealing with life. A way of escape. But according to Psalm 15, that is not being sincere. Not only that, but verse 5 says,"whoever does these things will not be shaken"! Keep your oath even when it hurts and you will not be shaken!!


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