
Sunday, March 16, 2014

Humility - Floor Exercise

Verse of the Week:
All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because, “God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.” Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. – 1 Peter 5:5b - 6 (NIV)

Chapter 3 Video Links (From Her Green Room):

    This was such a great chapter! It was full of so many good things; it is hard for me to even decide where to begin in discussing it. So, instead of starting with the book, let’s start with the verse of the week.

    This verse and a half is so FULL all on its own. First of all, “clothe yourself with humility toward one another”. Humility is something that we choose to put on. It isn't something that we innately have. It also is something that we show to others. Humility isn't about what we do to ourselves as much as it is how we view and treat others around us.

    “God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble”. What an incentive to truly be humble. Jodi says this in the book and I wholeheartedly agree; I don’t want God opposing me! I want God on my side and showing favor to me. One version I read of this verse used the word grace instead of favor. I need God’s grace, not his opposition!!

    “Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.” Notice the roles in this verse. Our role is to humble ourselves. God’s role is to lift us up not when we want Him to, but in His own time.

    There were two main sections to this chapter. The first was leadership traps and how to avoid them. The second was ten reasons we should master the “floor exercise” or humility.

    For this week’s discussion, instead of using the questions at the end of the chapter, let’s talk about these ten reasons to master humility. Choose one that stood out to you and tell us how you related to it and what it was about it that made you stop and think.

    I’ll start. For me, it was reason number six, Humility allows us to ask for help. So many times we go through life thinking that we can handle everything that comes our way. When times get hard, we struggle for days, weeks, months, or even years on our own trying to fight our way through our problems. Maybe it is pride that keeps us from asking for help. Sometimes it might be embarrassment or guilt that keeps us from asking for help, but whatever the reason, humbling ourselves (putting aside our pride, our embarrassment, or guilt) and asking for help is not weakness. It is acknowledging that we can’t handle everything alone. We need God and we need others.

    God didn't create us to face life alone. He created us to have a relationship with Him. After He created Adam in the Garden of Eden, He said, “It is not good for man to be alone” and He created Eve. God intended for us to live our lives relying on Him and also those around us.

    The book talks about how Jesus asked for help. Jesus, who could have done anything without any help from others, humbled himself and asked for help from those around Him. Several of His miracles began with Jesus asking someone else to do something for Him. He asked the servants to fill the water pots for Him to turn into wine. He asked the boy for His lunch to feed the five thousand and asked the disciples to organize and distribute the food. Now, did Jesus need help? No, but he still made a point to humbly ask.

    Now it’s your turn. What one of the ten reasons to master humility spoke to you?

    Discussion Questions:
    1. For this week’s discussion, instead of using the questions at the end of the chapter, let’s talk about these ten reasons to master humility. Choose one that stood out to you and tell us how you related to it and what it was about it that made you stop and think.

    2. Is there anything else about this chapter you would like to discuss or that stood out to you?


    1. Reason #2 stood out to me-Humility Puts Others At Ease. We have all been around people that try to "one up" you. They need to somehow prove that what they have/do/are is just a little better than you! The bad part is that you start trying to prove to them (or to yourself anyway) that you are just as good as they are, probably better! It just leads to insecurity and jealousy. On the other hand we've all been around people who make us feel comfortable and we don't feel like we need to impress them and that is refreshing. I think a really good leader is someone you want to be around because they make you feel good and inspire you to be a better person yourself. You want people to leave you believing that they can do something bigger or be something better. One inspires faith, the other inspires fear.

      And reason #6 was a good one too, Brenda! Humility allows you ask for help. I have a hard time with that! Asking for help, like Jesus did, allows somebody else to have a part in the ministry too. None of us can do it alone! We all need Jesus and each other.

      1. So true Glenda! There is freedom in not feeling a need to prove yourself to people. Showing humility is definitely a great way to ease those around you and to make them feel like they can just be themselves. I do love being around those people who make me want to be a better person!!

    2. In the past few years, women have been conquering new heights with their achievements.please go to link all information - wow women
