- Chapter 7 and "Finally: Tell It" of God is Able
Sunday, February 22, 2015
God is Able - Tribute
Monday, February 16, 2015
God Is Able - Turbo
What to Read this Week:
Chapter 6
Throughout this chapter, Priscilla refers to scripture throughout every chapter of Ephesians. Take a few minutes and skim through Ephesians. Instead of giving you a set scripture reading this week (if I did, it would be the entire book of Ephesians) when you get to a verse listed in the book, look it up and read it out of your Bible so that you can see it in context!!
Chapter 6, in my opinion, is the most important chapter in this book. The main topic in this chapter is the Holy Spirit. Wow, that's a broad topic!! More specifically, it is the Power of the Holy Spirit and the fact that we, as Christians, have full access to that power all the time! We sometimes forget that and we sometimes leave that power untapped and under wraps.
Priscilla does a fantastic job expounding on this topic, so don't skip over reading the chapter! I am only gonna speak to one of the things that she mentioned. We can discuss it all on facebook throughout the rest of the week!!
After the illustration with the Mustang, the first thing she reminds us is that we have power, if we are a believer. That Ephesians 1:13 says, "In Him you also trusted, after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise,"...
When we accept the gift of salvation and believe, we are given a measure of the Holy Spirit! From the moment we accept Christ, we have the power of the Holy Spirit available to us, ready and waiting for us to tap into it!!
There are an infinite number of situations that come our way. A great deal of them are more than we can handle on our own. Sometimes all the things in life just pile up and we can at times become overwhelmed and weary.
One of the quotes that stood out to me this week was: "God's power doesn't negate weariness; it just enables us to press through it with an uncommon persistence. No matter how tall our challenges are, His power in us is greater still."
I am more grateful every single day to know that on those days, in those moments, when life is hard and I am weary, that His power in me is greater!
Last week we talked about the "God Boxes" that we put God in. There is a section of this chapter called Fill'er Up that reminds us again, that we can limit the work of God in our lives by how we perceive Him.
Priscilla speaks of coming to the ocean of God's measureless power. What we bring with us to hold that power determines how much of His power we walk away with.
Bring a thimble, fill a thimble...
Bring a bucket, fill a bucket...
Bring a wheelbarrow, fill a wheelbarrow...
Bring a two-ton tanker, fill a two-ton tanker...
This reminded me of something I have heard Angelia say frequently. When it comes to God, you can always have more!! There is no limit to how much of His Spirit that you have in you and at work in your life. Even if you feel like everything is going great, you can still approach the throne of God asking for more of Him. To be filled up with even more of His Spirit!!
"The more the Spirit's power is activated in your life, the more your capacity to experience God increases. He is faithful to fill that which you bring ready to receive."
God wants to fill us up to overflowing with His Holy Spirit. He wants us to use the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives. He gave us the Holy Spirit and He wants us to experience it in full!!
I know that in this group of ladies, there is a variety of levels of experience with the Holy Spirit. Whether you are a new Christian and are just beginning to experience the Holy Spirit in your life, or you are a believer who is full of the Holy Spirit, baptized in it, speaking in tongues and operating in the gifts of the Spirit, there is always more to be had.
This week, if you do nothing else... spend a little time, just asking God to give you more!! To fill you more!! He will!!
Discussion Starters:
1. My highlighter bled all over this chapter!! What about yours?? What is something from this chapter that stood out enough to you to highlight or underline it!! What caught your attention (even if you didn't actually highlight anything).
2. Starting on page 126 of the paperback book, in the Powered Up section of the chapter, Priscilla lists changes that occur in us when the Holy Spirit is at work in our lives. Which ones have you experienced? Share with us your story of that experience.
3. At the end of this chapter we are reminded that we are in a war, we are constantly at battle with the same enemy our entire lives. That with all that our enemy has against us, we still have the power to win the battle. What is the armor we have and what are the weapons we use to fight the enemy?
Sunday, February 8, 2015
God is Able - Totality
- Chapter 5 of God is Able
- The story of Creation in Genesis 1-2.
This week the majority of the post is in this video. After you watch it, head on over to Facebook and join the conversation!!
Discussion Starters:
1. Let's pretend that before God created the universe and everything in it, that we were there with Him. Let's pretend that He asked us to tell Him what it is that we wanted this world to look like; what we wanted it to be like. What would you have told God?? What would you tell Him if you knew that whatever your answer was, that was all He would create. Nothing more, and nothing less.
2. Can you identify a "God Box" that you may have put God in?? What are some things you can do to take Him out of the box??
3. Can you name something that you aren't asking God for that you should be?? What keeps you from asking Him??
Sunday, February 1, 2015
God is Able - Transcendence
- Chapter 4 of God is Able
- 1 Samuel 17
This week is going to be a little different...
Chapter 4 is the chapter that focuses on "exceeding abundantly beyond". Priscilla does a wonderful job of attempting to help us grasp just how above and beyond God's power is! But, in our humanity, I don't think there are words to truly make us understand it.
Go ahead and read chapter 4 and soak it in and see if you can gain a tiny glimpse of God's way past way past abilities. Then after you do that, come back here and watch the video on this page. It is close to an hour long so do it when you have time to sit down and really listen, I promise you, it will be worth it!!
Martha Tennison was the speaker at our Women's Fall Conference in 2012. If you were at that conference, the message she is preaching is not going to surprise you. She preached the same message at conference, but there are a few things that I think are different in this one. However, even if you have heard it before, I truly feel this week that we need to be reminded of it.
Not only should we know and believe that God CAN handle our battles, we need to realize that our battles are not ours, they are HIS!! And because we KNOW that He can do exceeding and abundantly above, we need to willingly and openly trust Him to fight those battles on our behalf.
Discussion Starters:
This week, I am not going to post specific questions. Let's just reflect on the chapter and on Sister Tennison's message, "The Battle is the Lords".
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
God is Able - Truth - Part 2
The service started off with a word from a man who visits occasionally, and typically gives a testimony when he is there. He spoke about Ephesians 3:20!! That God is able to do exceeding and abundantly more than we could ask or think!! I thought to myself, wow, that is the Bible study we are doing right now!!
Then, a special was sung before the message. It was the song Beautiful, by Kari Jobe. One part of that song says:
I am not afraid of brokenness
To wash Your feet with humble tears
I would be poured out till nothing's left
And I just wanna wait on You, my God
I just wanna dwell on who You are
Mary and Martha didn't... They knew that Jesus could heal. They believed that if Jesus had come sooner, than He could have prevented death for their brother. But to them death was final.
In fact, our Youth Pastor who was preaching Sunday night, pointed out even more that I didn't realize before. Lazarus wasn't just dead, he was 4 days dead! The significance of that is that day number 4 is when a body starts to decompose after death. So, not only was he dead, but parts of him were not even in existence anymore! So YES, Jesus raising him back to life WAS an exceeding and abundantly above and beyond moment!!!
I am not afraid of brokenness
To wash Your feet with humble tears
I would be poured out till nothing's left
And I just wanna wait on You, my God
I just wanna dwell on who You are
Sunday, January 25, 2015
God is Able - Truth
- Chapter 3 of God is Able
Straight off the bat this week, it's confession time... I don't believe in being someone I am not and I think the only way any of this works is if we are all being real!! So here is my "real" this week...
The last couple of weeks have been tough for me. I have felt disconnected and I have not been looking near enough at Jesus! I have been focused way too much on the situations I have been dealing with and not nearly enough on the Lord. (Yes, I know... even though we have been talking about that very thing!!)
I have put off working on this Bible study until the very last minute because I just haven't felt like I had any knowledge or wisdom to share. I have been pretty empty...
So, here I am, at 3:30 on Sunday afternoon, still trying to come up with something to post for you amazing ladies this week. My goal is to have this done by Saturdays so that when I am at church on Sunday I can use the WiFi and just get it posted and shared in a matter of minutes. Instead, I am sitting here, still thinking... still praying... feeling pretty inadequate for this task.
You know how distracted you get when you aren't sure about the thing you are working on?? Yeah, well at least I get easily distracted... So I picked up my phone, and checked my Timehop! I know, I know... not much Jesus in that!! If you don't know what Timehop is, it is an app that gathers your social media posts for the same date over the past few years. So you see each day what you posted on Facebook, Twitter, etc... on this date last year, two years ago, three years ago, etc...
Here was my Timehop for today:
Discussion Starters:
- What part of this chapter in the book jumped off the page at you this week?
- Share some of your favorite stories from the Word of God where He showed up for His people!! Share your thoughts on some of the verses or stories that Priscilla shared in this chapter.
- Is there a time in your life where you have had to lean on the truth that God was still God and He was still working and moving on your behalf, even if you couldn't see Him in your circumstances... even if He chose not to answer your prayers the way you had hoped?
Sunday, January 18, 2015
God is Able - Turning
- Chapter 2 of God is Able
- Numbers 13
- John 20:11-18
This week we are reading Chapter 2...Turning...
In this chapter there are two stories from the Bible about people who fixed their eyes on the Lord. One was from Numbers chapter 13 and the other from John 20. I do want us to read those directly from the Bible (not just the summary that is given in the book) and I do want us to discuss them in the Facebook group this week, but I am not going to comment much on those now, I will let you guys get that conversation going over on Facebook.
While I was reading this chapter, an old hymn came to my mind. Standing on the Promises... Here are the lyrics to that hymn in case you aren't familiar with it.
What an amazing hymn!! It is even more amazing when you know the story behind it. When Russell Carter was 30 years old, he was diagnosed with a fatal heart condition and doctors told him that he would not live much longer. He knelt down before the Lord and prayed. He told God that no matter what happened, from that moment on, whether he was healed or not, he would live the rest of his life wholeheartedly serving the Lord.
Carter had been a professing Christian most of his life, but had never until this time in his life really believed the promises of the Word of God. When diagnosed with his heart condition, he turned to Christ and leaned on the promises in His Word like never before. When he was 37 years old he wrote this hymn.
Carter lived to be 79 years old!! If you need me to do the math for you, that is about 49 years longer than doctors anticipated!!
What a testimony! What a blessing this hymn has been for so many years to so many people. I sort of wish we were all together in one room, just so we could sing it together. Here is a clip of Selah singing it (in a medley with a few other great old hymns)!!
My greatest hope for this week, as a community of believers, a community of sisters in Christ, is that we can come together to really, truly, wholeheartedly, help our fellow sisters in Christ find the promises that they need to stand on for their life.
Everyone's situation is different, and the Word of God is full of so many great promises. Sometimes we are so focused on our issues that we struggle to find the scriptures that we need to focus on instead, so let's help a sister out!!
Discussion Starters:
- What part of this chapter in the book or in the story in Numbers 13 or John 20 jumped off the page at you this week?
- The Chapter talks about three places that we turn to instead of to God, to others, to ourselves, and to our "junk". What happens when we turn to these things and why is each one of them not the answer?
- Why is turning to Jesus so important in any situation? What are practical ways that we can focus our attention on Jesus??
- ***Group Project***
As a group this week, I want us to come up with a good sized list of promises from the Word of God that we as believers can stand on. That we can memorize, write, post on our mirrors and refrigerator doors, to help us get through trying times. Comment here with your promises (be sure to include the scripture reference) and I will create a master list to share.
Sunday, January 11, 2015
God is Able - Time
- Chapter 1 of God is Able
- John 5:1-14
If you have been a part of previous online Bible studies, be warned… this one is going to be a little bit different!! Books that we have used in the past had Bible Studies written into them, but this one does not. So, hang in there with me and I promise that we will relate everything back to the chapter in the book by the end of this post!!
This week, let’s look at the story of the man who was healed at the pool of Bethesda in John chapter 5. If you haven’t read the scripture text yet, take a few minutes and do that before you read on here!!
This story took place during the time of a Jewish Feast. During these times of Jewish feasts the location that the feast was held in would have been very crowded. Some Jewish Feasts required that all Jewish males attend, so you can imagine how many people were staying in Jerusalem during this time.
The man’s healing took place at Bethesda which means "Place of Outpouring" or "House of Grace". The pool of Bethesda was a place where sick people would gather and wait. There was a belief that when the water started moving that the first person into the pool would be healed.
There was a man who was sick and he had been that way for 38 years. Now, we don’t know exactly what was wrong with him. We do know that he couldn’t walk on his own, so we know he had a physical problem, but the scripture just uses the word “infirmity” when it tells us about the man.
Now, the scriptures tell us in verse 13 that this man did not know who Jesus was. So, when Jesus walked by him and stopped to talk to him, the man had no idea that he was talking to Jesus. He did not see Jesus walking and called out to Him to get His attention, knowing that He could heal him.
The man was minding his own business, oblivious to the fact that his miracle was walking by. Jesus walked up to him and asked him, "Do you want to be healed"?
Let me take just a brief pause here in the story to say this. Jesus was God in the flesh. When He asked someone a question, it wasn’t because He didn’t know the answer! It wasn’t because He was gathering needed information. It was because the person He asked the question to needed to answer the question. Sometimes as we read through scripture, WE need to answer the questions that Jesus asked too!!
Ok, back to the story. Think for a minute about what your response would be if you were this man. I think I would have said, “YES!!!” But that isn’t what the man said. Instead of answering Jesus with a yes or no, he began to tell Jesus all the reasons (excuses) why he couldn’t get into the pool to receive his healing.
He threw a pity party for himself!! He blamed the fact that there was no one to help him into the pool for why he had not been healed in 38 years. What he was saying was that the reason he wasn’t healed was not his fault. He pointed a finger at someone else.
He also says that while he is trying to get into the pool, someone always gets in before he can. What he was really saying was, “This healing pool isn’t going to work for me. It works for other people, but it will never work for me because I will never be able to get in first.”
Let’s start looking at our own situations, at our own “its”. Are we spending our time throwing ourselves a pity party? Are we pointing our finger at someone else? Listen; even if your problems in life are because of what someone else has done to you, you are the only one who can determine the destiny of your life. No matter what anyone else has done to you, you get to choose how you live your life.
Now, before you think that I am being all preachy here, if I had the liberty to tell my greatest “God is Able and He did it for me” testimony of my own life, you would understand that I am saying this out of experience, not out of pointing a finger at you! My greatest God is Able story involves someone else who hasn’t given me the permission to share it yet, so I just need you to trust me here for now!! Sometimes the greatest hurts in our lives come from what other people have done to us, but that doesn’t determine what we choose to do in return.
Are we saying that it just won’t work for us?
“God, I know that you can heal marriages, but just not mine”.
“God, I know that you can heal people from cancer, but not me”.
“God, I know that you can provide for the financial situations of others, oh, and thank you by the way for providing for that need that I prayed about for my friend, but… you can’t do it for me”.
Both of these excuses are lies of the enemy. Friends, let’s stand against these lies. Stop believing them and stop repeating them (even to yourself)!!
Jesus response to what he said was, “Rise, take up your bed, and walk”. Jesus didn’t say, “ok, your healed now”. He said, rise, take up your bed, and walk. What would have happened if the man had not gotten up? He had been sitting there for 38 years! He had gotten comfortable on his bed. He was used to sitting there. It would have been easy for him to continue making excuses. It would have been easy for him to question Jesus. Remember, he didn’t know who Jesus was!!
But, scripture says, “immediately” he was made well, took up his bed, and walked. He had to do something though. He had to get up!! He had to get out of his comfort zone (his bed) and put one foot in front of the other and walk.
I feel like we need to put ourselves and our “its” in this mans "shoes" for a few minutes...
- We know that his "IT" was that he was in need of physical healing.
- We know that he believed enough in the promise of healing to be hanging out at the pool of Bethesda.
- We know that he had been waiting a long time for healing (38 years).
I wonder if some of our "ITS" have us in the same place?? I wonder if some of our “its” are such heavy burdens that they have crippled us? We have been waiting on answers, relief, healing, for a VERY LONG time. We know enough to know that God can restore, redeem, and make us completely whole. We are hanging out by the pool…
I can't guarantee that God won't make you wait a while to get an answer for your "IT". But here is where we have a benefit....
We know who Jesus is!! We know that he can step right into the middle of our circumstances and change them in an instant! We have the advantage of knowledge that the man didn't have.
What we do with that information is crucial!!! If we keep that information sitting with us waiting around for a sign that our time has come to be whole (the stirring of the water) we may be left waiting.
But what would happen if we embraced what we know? What will happen if we WALK in victory now even if our victory hasn't come yet?
My very favorite point that Priscilla made in chapter one, was that we don't have to wait for a new season of life to live the abundant life. We can live the abundant life that God promised us right in the middle of our current circumstances. Because the abundant life isn't a life without trials and problems, it is a life with Jesus right in the middle of our trials and problems.
Why would this man instantly get up and walk when he didn't even know who Jesus was??
Could it be that encountering Christ, face to face, right where we are at (on the side of the pool, not in the pool) gives us everything we need to walk in victory? Whether our "it" is taken care of today or not, we can live the abundant life in the middle of our situations if we invite God into the mix and truly believe that our time is now. That He can do it now! Not tomorrow or in the next season of life, but our God is Able to do it NOW!
Not only is He able to do it now, He wants to do it!! Here is this man who didn’t even know who Jesus was, but in the midst of masses of people flooding the city for the feast, Jesus still found this man. This man would have NEVER asked Jesus to heal him, because he didn’t know that Jesus could heal him. How much more will Jesus heal us, restore us, work in the midst of our situations, when we know that He can and we know to ask??!!
Discussion Starters:
- What part of this chapter in the book or in the story in John chapter 5 jumped off the page at you this week?
- In light of your “it”, what excuses have you been making? What lies of the enemy have you been believing? How can you turn those lies around? What does the Word say about it?
- Sometimes I think God is ready to move on our behalf, but we may be hindering it. Jesus’ command to “rise, take up your bed, and walk” shows us that we have to actually do something too!! What do you think about this? What do you think keeps you (or just people in general) “stuck”?
- In light of your “it”, Do you want to be healed?? You can just answer this question to yourself if you would like, but feel free to share your answers if you would like to also.
Sunday, January 4, 2015
God Is Able - Welcome and Introduction
First of all, if you haven't signed up for the study, please do that if you would like to receive email updates!! You can sign up by filling out this super quick form!!
Now, with that out of the way... Are you ready?? Are you really ready??? Let's go!!!
This week, our "post" is a video message from our Women's Director, Angelia Carpenter!!
After you watch the video, hop on over to our Facebook group, and let's get going!!
Discussion Starters!!
1. Would you share a piece of your story? Share a time in your life when God did "exceeding and abundantly more" for you in your life!!
2. What is your current "it" in life?? If you are willing to share, even in limited detail, please do that so we can believe with you throughout this study!! We may be in various locations, but "where two are three are gathered" can still apply!! We can from our individual locations agree with you for God to truly SHOW UP on YOUR behalf during the next 10 weeks!!